The Importance of Finding the Right Fit Childcare

Feb 10, 2024 | Childcare

Have you had to call off of work for the fifth time this year due to unreliable childcare?

Are you looking for a new nanny or babysitter because your current provider just isn’t a good fit for your family.

Whether you’ve been looking for childcare for your first child, or you’re looking to switch childcare after you’ve been with your babysitter for years — finding the right fit can be intimidating.

Unfortunately, not all childcare providers are created equally.

Therapeutic Parenting Method understands how frustrating the process can be. The interviews, screenings, and learning who to trust are long, and hard, and we’re here to help.

In this post we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about looking for childcare providers, why reliable care is so important, and how we can help find the perfect fit for your family.

2 Common Mistakes Parents Make When Looking for Childcare Providers

Research on the brain shows that the first years of life are crucial for intellectual, social and general development – 80% of the brain develops by age three.

This statistic alone is enough to show that it is essential that our children receive high-quality, developmentally appropriate care.

When hiring a childcare provider, parents seeking childcare take two different routes. They either:

Mistake #1: Emphasizing Instinct

Parents emphasize “instinct” and “gut reactions” when choosing a childcare provider. They feel good about a person or childcare center and trust their gut.

While parents’ instincts are strong indicators about childcare providers, it’s simply not enough to depend on a first impression or their gut reaction.

When hiring childcare providers, you must do a deep dive into the people you are considering to help raise your children.

Or parents do the following:

Mistake #2: Making the Convenient Choice

Parents often make the quick or easy choice when choosing a childcare provider — without any training or guidance.

Unfortunately, this quick/easy choice is very often not the “right” or “ideal” choice. This often leads to:

  • Stress
  • Time away from work
  • Wasted money
  • The emotional strain on the children

These issues are even more common in new parents, especially who may lack reliable contacts who:

  • Have knowledge about what is reasonable to expect from caregivers
  • Can recommend good care
  • Have the perspective that comes from greater parenting experience.

These mistakes often lead to many parents becoming dissatisfied with their childcare arrangements and a high turnover rate in childcare providers.

Parents Seeking Childcare: Qualities of A Childcare Provider

If you aren’t sure what to look for when choosing childcare, it’s important to note that you are not alone.

Approximately 14.5 million children under the age of six in need of childcare and many of those parents aren’t sure what to look for in a childcare provider.

At Therapeutic Parenting Method, we recommend that all the parents seeking childcare should list their “must-have traits.”

These must-have traits will be based on your family’s unique needs.

Will you be hiring a full-time nanny for your newborn? If so, some of the qualities you’ll most likely want in a nanny may be:

  • Patient
  • Nurturing
  • Trustworthy
  • Flexibility
  • Prior experience with infants
  • Etc.

Infancy is full of developmental milestones, and it’s vital that you have a caregiver who can provide outstanding care for your baby.

If you’re looking for someone to hang out with your elementary school-aged children for a few hours between when they get out of school and you get out of work, you may not need someone with years of experience.

Reliability and trustworthiness would still be very important traits for your provider to have — regardless of your childrens’ age.

For elementary school-aged children, you may want to look for a babysitter who can better suit their needs — like being able to help with homework, prepare dinner, and help teach them responsibility.

When I help families looking for childcare I often remind them there is no “one-size-fits-all” childcare plan. What’s best for one family may completely differ from what’s best for another.

Start by examining your family’s specific needs. Once you have a clear idea of what you’re looking for in a childcare provider, the rest of the process becomes much easier.

Storytime with the Boys

The Importance of Reliable Childcare

In the United States, more than 12 million children under six spend every week in some type of childcare arrangement.

Close to 40% of all child care workers need to be replaced each year.

The constant turnover of child care providers has big impacts on children and their development — especially for children under the age of three.

And that’s only one of the reasons finding reliable care is important.

Effects of Unreliable Child Care On Employers

65% of working parents are late to work or leave early an average of 7.5 times in six months due to child care issues.

Studies show that unscheduled absences cost employers $1,685 per employee every year. How many of those absences are due to unreliable childcare?

According to Forbes, 45% working parents miss at least one day of work every six months due to a child care problem — with an average of 4.3 missed days of work in a six-month timeframe.

Not only are companies impacted by unexcused absences due to childcare issues, but 31% of parent employees report that they have considered leaving their employers due to these issues.

The cost to retrain a single employee is estimated to be one and one-half times the employee’s annual salary.

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What is Therapeutic Parenting Solutions?

We understand the importance of having access to expert care and the challenges working parents face while raising a family. Therapeutic Parenting allows families to get the care they need on their schedule. Whether it’s a video conference from the office, a phone call on your commute to work or even a call in the middle of the night – parents can get the support and guidance they need from an expert they can trust. From feeding a newborn to helping your teen handle a new phone, Therapeutic Parenting can guide you to a solution.

What is the Therapeutic Parenting Approach?

Our Approach focuses on educating both the heart and mind while integrating the methodology training system we created to help parents better understand their children. While there are many parent coaches, therapists, and consultants, our unique approach combines legitimate training and proven research with an empathetic passion for educating parents without judgment or pressure to buy into a product or service.

What is the Therapeutic Parenting Method?

Like E=MC2, our formula provides parents with the tools they need to overcome their challenges. Our equation focuses on 4 fundamental areas of each child and our belief is that to truly achieve “Therapeutic” parenting, a parent must approach every success and struggle with an understanding of how it affects their child holistically. Many parenting methods and programs typically focus on one area of a child or use the wrong technique – which can cause more harm than help. We developed this equation from over 20 years of research, testing, and combining the most critical components of a person’s life: biology, development, environment, and emotion.

Finally, parents have a guide they can tangibly follow and reapply to understand their children and ultimately – better communicate with them and advocate for them. Our one-of-a-kind method allows logic and order to supersede emotion and chaos, making a profound difference in the bonding and attachment to caregivers and children.

Tammy Gold is a licensed therapist, certified parent coach, published author, and founder of the Therapeutic Parenting Method. She is an ivy league-educated proud mom of 3 living in California.

If you’re seeking guidance on your parenting journey or finding the right childcare, we can help!

About Therapeutic Parenting

We educate parents on the biological, psychological, emotional, and environmental factors involved in their child’s behavior. This proprietary four-pronged approach allows parents to build a deeper understanding of their child’s actions.

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