Traveling with Children During the Holidays

Nov 14, 2024 | Parenting

You want to travel home and visit your family for the holidays, but you have children. 

Are you a little concerned about the stress of traveling with children?

We get it. Traveling children can be terrific, but also exhausting for parents. 

Children can make wonderful memories during holiday travel and luckily there are some things that you can do to make it a smooth experience for everyone.

Here are some tips to keep children calm and happy during their travels.

Holiday Traveling With An Infant

Traveling with an infant can be rough.

You have a lot of things to think about when packing:

  • Do you have enough food?
  • Do you have changes of clothes?
  • What should you carry-on versus check if you are flying?
  • Etc. 

Preparing in advance will save you a lot of hassle and potential meltdowns, but prepare for those anyway. Traveling can be confusing for an infant.

Some Considerations You Should Think About Before You Go:

  • Make sure you pack items to keep the infant on their schedule and in familiar surroundings. 
  • Make sure you have enough liquids for take-off and landing. The pressure changes affect their ears during take-off and landing and it is important to have them drink during these times. 
  • Time breast or bottle-feeding during take-off and landing. This will really help their ears. If they are older infants be sure to pack enough food and snacks to get them through the flight accounting for possible delays. 
  • Try to mimic the sleeping environment at home. Bring along favorite sheets, blankets, pacifiers, and/or crib toys so they are familiar with the surroundings. Make sure that you not only packed some of these items in luggage but if you are flying, carry some smaller items onto the plane. 

Make a packing list for each member of the family. Doing this in advance will help you remember the important items to pack and lower the stress of packing the days leading up to your trip.

On an Airplane with a Toddler

Tips for Traveling With A Toddler

Each age seems to have different battles to fight when traveling during the holidays. 

In some ways, you will be happy that your toddler is not an infant anymore when traveling, but in other ways, this age can be even more difficult depending on the stage your child is in. 

H3: Top 3 Tips For Toddler Travel:

Tip 1: Talk to them
And not just before the trip but also during the trip. Explain what is happening and what will be happening next. At times, children have no idea where they are and if they are coming home since they have no concept of time. 

Before you leave, talk to older toddlers showing them pictures of where you are going, what you will do there, and then how you will be coming home.

Tip 2: Maintain a schedule
If possible, try to keep this same schedule as to when you are at home for naps, baths, and bedtime. Allow for a few days to get adjusted to the new environment.

Tip 3: Bring something familiar
Remember sleeping in a new place can be scary for toddlers and young children. Try to bring something familiar with you like a night light, their music, or special toy. This will help them feel more at ease.

Traveling With Young Children

At this age, they will be more able to understand what is happening and why they are traveling. 

But just like with the other stages, there are things that you as the parent can do to make sure that this trip is a little easier. 

  • Bring things that will entertain them in the car or airplane, as it is sometimes impossible for children to sit quietly for long periods. Bring tablets and books, and if possible purchase travel games or take away some of their old toys before the trip so they will seem new and interesting when introduced on the plane. 
  • Make sure to slowly introduce games or books one at a time so they will last for the entire ride. Arts and crafts are terrific for children as are certain small action figures. 
  • If you are on a long flight or train ride take them on walks down the aisle and plenty of walking before you depart so they can expend energy before the trip begins. 

Make sure you explain to children where you are going, how long you’ll be gone, and what will happen while you are away. Ask if they have any questions about their trip. 

Involving your children in the trip plans and preparations is a good way to get them invested and excited. 

For example:

  • Draw a story with them on the plane to prepare them for what to expect from the new location. Include things you may do together, like building sandcastles or exploring caves.
  • Check in with your kids to see how they are doing, and ask them if there is anything in particular that they would like to do during the trip.
  • Let your child pack a small snack bag and a favorite toy before the trip so that they have some control over what will keep them busy during the flight.
Teens on Vacation

Holiday Travel With Teens

Involving your teen in the travel process will not only make the trip enjoyable, but it will give your teen a sense of pride.

Ask your teen where they would like to go and why. If the destination seems plausible then ask them to research it further. 

Tell them that finding the destination is one step, but arranging accommodations, booking transportation, and finding activities is all a part of how travel occurs.

If they are a part of the process they will enjoy the trip more.

If there are activities your age-appropriate teen would like to do on their own, and you are comfortable with allowing them some freedom, ask them to research something they might enjoy and help them book it.

Family vacations are a wonderful way for families to bond and enjoy time together. A little planning ahead goes a long way toward everyone’s good time. 

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We understand the importance of having access to expert care and the challenges working parents face while raising a family. Therapeutic Parenting allows families to get the care they need on their schedule. Whether it’s a video conference from the office, a phone call on your commute to work or even a call in the middle of the night – parents can get the support and guidance they need from an expert they can trust. From feeding a newborn to helping your teen handle a new phone, Therapeutic Parenting can guide you to a solution.

What is the Therapeutic Parenting Approach?

Our Approach focuses on educating both the heart and mind while integrating the methodology training system we created to help parents better understand their children. While there are many parent coaches, therapists, and consultants, our unique approach combines legitimate training and proven research with an empathetic passion for educating parents without judgment or pressure to buy into a product or service.

What is the Therapeutic Parenting Method?

Like E=MC2, our formula provides parents with the tools they need to overcome their challenges. Our equation focuses on 4 fundamental areas of each child and our belief is that to truly achieve “Therapeutic” parenting, a parent must approach every success and struggle with an understanding of how it affects their child holistically. Many parenting methods and programs typically focus on one area of a child or use the wrong technique – which can cause more harm than help. We developed this equation from over 20 years of research, testing, and combining the most critical components of a person’s life: biology, development, environment, and emotion.

Finally, parents have a guide they can tangibly follow and reapply to understand their children and ultimately – better communicate with them and advocate for them. Our one-of-a-kind method allows logic and order to supersede emotion and chaos, making a profound difference in the bonding and attachment to caregivers and children.

Tammy Gold is a licensed therapist, certified parent coach, published author, and founder of the Therapeutic Parenting Method. She is an ivy league-educated proud mom of 3 living in California.

If you’re seeking guidance on your parenting journey or finding the right childcare, we can help!

About Therapeutic Parenting

We educate parents on the biological, psychological, emotional, and environmental factors involved in their child’s behavior. This proprietary four-pronged approach allows parents to build a deeper understanding of their child’s actions.

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