Hiring an Au Pair
Let’s evaluate the au pair option through a structured assessment of your family’s needs.

Is an Au Pair the Best Option for Your Family?
When families start thinking about childcare solutions, many don’t consider hiring an au pair to care for their child—mainly because they’re not sure what an au pair is or does.
An au pair, meaning a caregiver from another country, takes on the position of a part-time, live-in caretaker for your child. Typically an au pair will live for one year in the United States as part of their studies.
The experts at Therapeutic Parenting have recommended and helped source au pair care for hundreds of families and we are well-equipped to help you determine if an au pair is the right fit for yours.
Deciding if an Au Pair is the Best Solution for Your Child
Our experts use The Therapeutic Parenting Method to find the best childcare solution for your family. We are committed to understanding your needs as a family, and we won’t make a childcare recommendation unless we know your life will be enriched by the decision.
Through a structured assessment of your requisites, we can help you determine if an au pair is the best option for you and, if so, equip you with the tools to find the best au pair available.
What Your Family’s Ideal Fit Looks Like
Our team is focused on whether an au pair is the right fit for you and what you need from an au pair.
We leave no stone unturned in assessing your wants for an ideal au pair to enrich your child’s development and balance your family life.
We Understand what Some Families Need
- Part-time care of 15 hours a week or less
- Care for more than 30 hours a week
- An au pair that can add a second language to your child’s daily life
- An au pair to complement a primary childcare solution
- A youthful playmate for their child
- An older, more experienced caregiver
Navigating the Challenges of Deciding if an Au Pair is the Best Solution for Your Child
Our experts use The Therapeutic Parenting Method to find the best childcare solution for your family. We are committed to understanding your needs as a family, and we won’t make a childcare recommendation unless we know your life will be enriched by the decision.
Through a structured assessment of your requisites, we can help you determine if an au pair is the best option for you and, if so, equip you with the tools to find the best au pair available.
The Therapeutic Parenting Method Examines the Unique Needs of Your Family
Every family’s requirements are unequivocally different, and that’s why The Therapeutic Parenting Method focuses on examining each family’s unique needs.
Living with an au pair allows you to leave your child in the care of a single person, in your home—typically at a lower cost than hiring a nanny and one who can provide a cultural education.
However, we wouldn’t suggest just any au pair. Knowing how to find an au pair is critical to our process.
If you decide to find an au pair, we will be there with you every step of the way.
Your childcare concerns are of the utmost importance to us, and we will walk you through the entire process to ensure a flawless transition of bringing an au pair into your home.
The Therapeutic Parenting Method Supports the Wellbeing of Your Family
The well-being of your family is our number one concern.
Adding an au pair can certainly present challenges, so we go above and beyond finding solutions and education—we help you find the best au pair for your family’s needs by assisting the interview, assessment and onboarding process.
Finances are an integral part of a family’s well-being, and the first question that many parents ask is: How much does an au pair cost?
In addition to finances, we will factor in your lifestyle and whether an au pair can enhance your daily life.
With expectations and rules established upfront, an au pair can be a benefit to the wellbeing of your family, and truly bring joy to the day to day life of your child.
It Is Important To Find an Au Pair of Therapeutic Parenting Caliber—Your Family Deserves Nothing Less
It is important to spend quality time searching for a high-caliber au pair who will fit the requirements and expectations of your family.
With this in mind, there are important factors to consider when hiring an au pair, and this is where The Therapeutic Parenting approach to finding childcare comes in.
Therapeutic Parenting Au Pair Definition
Our Method examines the four main areas of the family – Developmental Needs, Biological Concerns, Environmental Factors and Emotional Makeup. What can an au pair add to your daily life and how can you feel confident that you’ve chosen the best childcare solution for your family?
In addition to the specific requirements laid out by your family, our experts have the experience and knowledge to go beyond a good fit—we’ll help you find the Therapeutic fit to help the family thrive and the au pair feel this is a mutually enriching process.
We give families the foundations needed to find an au pair that can truly add value to your daily life.
We want you to have an au pair that is:
- Excited to share their language and culture with your family – We help you find an au pair that is willing to devote time to fostering this unique opportunity for your child to have valuable exposure to another culture.
- Prepared for the realities of caring for children – The Therapeutic Parenting Method ensures that parents learn how to identify an au pair who recognizes and accepts the realities of childcare by examining the four major factors affecting each child’s life.
- Willing to commit to your family and to living abroad – The Therapeutic Parenting Method coaches parents on what questions to ask to be sure you’re matching yourself with an au pair who won’t leave due to culture shock or homesickness.
The Therapeutic Parenting Method Ensures a Smooth Environmental Transition
Bringing an au pair into your home presents unique challenges, and we understand that parents have a lot of questions about how to confidently source, prepare, and hire an au pair to care for their child.
Our team is passionate about helping families overcome these challenges. We provide a blueprint for an emotional fit and a smooth environmental transition.
The Therapeutic Parenting Method Has Helped Parents Understand How an Au Pair Could Be the Best Childcare Solution for Their Family
It’s clear you’re committed to finding the right childcare fit for your family’s unique needs. You’ve come this far, now it’s our turn.
Our Therapeutic Parenting Method expert team has over a decade of experience helping families source top-notch childcare that’s as individual as your family is.
We can assist you at each stage of your search.
Make your life easier—make the call; even one hour of educational guidance can make a difference for the family and au pair’s benefit.